Attend a Monthly Gathering or Make a General Enquiry

If you are interested in permaculture and would like to join us for one of our monthly task-orientated gatherings followed by a meeting, please complete the form below.  We will get back to you with details of how you can join us. Scroll down further for the form for general enquiries.

Request to attend a Monthly Gathering form:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)


    House Name or No (required)

    Address line1 (required)

    Address line 2 (required)

    Address line 3

    Postcode (required)

    How Many are Wishing to Attend (required)

    How did you hear about us

    Make a General Enquiry using the form below:

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)

      Subject (required)

      Your Message (required)