Monthly task-orientated gathering followed by a meeting
Once a month, on a Saturday or Sunday, we meet at one of our members homes. The host prepares some work tasks for the day and we spend about two hours in the morning working together.
Sometimes the host has a project such as planting trees, constructing compost bins, making raised beds, putting in a pond, coppicing, pruning or erecting a poly-tunnel. Other times we are in small groups doing a variety of gardening jobs. We try to arrange jobs that are within the capabilities of all. It is always amazing to see how much we can do in two hours as a group. The host and the group get a great feeling of satisfaction as they stand back to admire the work they have done together.
Work time is followed by a shared vegetarian lunch. We all bring along a dish to share without prior co-ordination, and we are constantly delighted at how the variety of food we bring goes so well together and makes such a delicious meal.
In the afternoon the host chairs a meeting to discuss any issues, ideas or business that are arising. The host writes up a short account of the day and emails it to the group. You can read some of these write-ups of past meetings.