Public Events

This is the place to find out all about Lampeter Permaculture Group’s Public Events. Our 2020 events got rolling with a film night on the 18 January. Full details for all events further down the page.

2020 Events list

  • Film night Saturday 18 January 2020 Growing Food in Small Spaces. Films plus Q & A with Huw Richards, local influencer and author of Veg in One Bed.
  • Our Community Seed Swap on Saturday 22 February 2020 will be, as always, very popular and a great way to start the growing year!
  • Film night Saturday 21 March 2020 Swales in Wales? Water Management in a Time of Climate Change. Films and workshop.
  • Community Plant Swap on Saturday 9 May 2020 – bring all those spare plants you’ve grown from the seed swap!
  • Don’t miss our annual Apple Day on a Saturday in October 2020 – a chance to get your apples pressed!

We also have information on Permaculture-related events run by other organisations

Free Film Night / Noson ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

Growing Food in Small Spaces

Sat 18 January / Sadwrn 18 Ionawr 2019

Neuadd Victoria Hall, Lampeter / Llambed

Films plus Q & A with Huw Richards, local influencer and author of Veg in One Bed.

Ffilmiau, a Holi ac Ateb gyda Huw Richards, dylanwadwr ac awdur, Veg in One Bed.


Doors open / Drysau’n agor: 6.30 pm. Film / Ffilm: 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome / Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Refreshments, informal discussion / Lluniaeth, trafodaeth anffurfiol.

Presented by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group.  Cyflwynwyd gan Transition Llambed, TLDT a Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed.

Film night poster 18 Jan 2020

Saturday 22 February 2020 10am-1pm   FREE ENTRY

Community Seed Swap (Victoria Hall, Lampeter, SA48 7EE)

Why not try growing some new vegetable and fruit varieties this year by joining us at  Lampeter Permaculture Group’s Annual Seed Swap –  for everyone interested in swapping.  Displays, refreshments, advice and information are on hand as well as seeds and plants. Please bring any seeds that you have to swap so long as they are not too old and clearly labelled in paper envelopes/packets.

2020 is the 15th Anniversary of Lampeter Permaculture Group’s Seed Swap and now the event is really starting to gain some momentum. With each year there are increasing numbers of keen seed swappers, old timers who have always saved their own seeds, people exchanging gardening and growing knowledge and new growers taking their first tentative steps in gardening.

It is so important that gardeners get involved in saving at least some of their own seed because it’s FREE, promotes biodiversity and local strains of seed, conserves older varieties, builds links between local growers in the area, and improves local food security. Most seeds on offer are not F1 hybrids, so are ideal for saving your own seed from.

You can also bring surplus plants and seedlings – also well labelled please, surplus garden equipment (not too large!), pots and gardening literature. If you don’t have anything to swap just give a donation. Donations from previous Seed Swaps have funded the planting of many fruit and nut trees in Lampeter and surrounding communities. If you are interested in local food, vegetable growing or gardening – then this is the event for you!

Selling your home saved seed is illegal, but swapping these seeds isn’t – so don’t delay – save away!

Check out our event on the video below:

If you manage to grow a surplus – bring your plants to our Community Plant Swap on 9th May 2020.

Tools for Self-Reliance will be joining the Repair Café for the Seed Swap in Victoria Hall.

Free Film Night / Noson ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

Swales in Wales? Water Management in a Time of Climate Change.

Saturday 21 March  / Sadwrn 21 Mawrth 2020

Neuadd Victoria Hall, Lampeter / Llambed

Films and workshop on dealing with too little, or too much, water.


Doors open / Drysau’n agor: 6.30 pm. Film / Ffilm: 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome / Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Refreshments, informal discussion / Lluniaeth, trafodaeth anffurfiol.

Presented by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group.  Cyflwynwyd gan Transition Llambed, TLDT a Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed.

Saturday 9 May 2020   10am-1pm    FREE ENTRY

Community Plant Swap (Victoria Hall, Lampeter, SA48 7EE)

Do you find you end up with extra tomatoes or other plants you have grown from seed, maybe grown from the seeds exchanged at the Seed Swap in February? Don’t compost them! Bring them to our annual Plant Swap and exchange them for something you haven’t grown. Even if you haven’t grown anything to swap you can get some plants or seedlings by making a donation. Or you can donate and exchange small items of garden equipment.

We want to encourage local food growing and help people get to know other growers and get advice.

The ‘Swap’ is open to all and takes place during the People’s Market, a local food and craft market with a café and live music – a great way to spend a Saturday morning in Lampeter. Hope to see you there!

Apple Day

A Saturday tbc in October 2020 


Watson and Pratts, Lampeter


Bring your apples to be pressed and come to be im-pressed by our display of locally grown apples by group members from their own orchards within a twenty mile radius of Lampeter. We usually display over 50 varieties and our knowledgeable ‘appleheads’ will be available to try to answer queries on growing fruit trees locally.

We will help you turn your apples into juice. Please bring your own containers and be ready to help with some chopping and scratting (grinding up the apples ready for pressing). As a rough guide 25-30lb/11-14kg of recently picked apples will give around 4-5 pints of juice. When it’s busy we can’t guarantee that the juice you get back will all be from your own apples, but it all tastes pretty darn good!

Apple Day at Watson & Pratts

Apple Day at Watson & Pratts – public pressing run by Lampeter Permaculture Group volunteers

The public pressing and apple display is run by volunteers from the Lampeter Permaculture Group and we always welcome donations at the event to help us fund the apple pressing equipment and other permaculture-related group initiatives.

Watson and Pratts: In addition to our pressing and apple display our hosts for the event, Watson and Pratts, have organised a whole range of stalls and activities for the whole family.

Apple Day Location: Watson and Pratts, Unit 24 Lampeter Industrial Estate Tregaron Road, Lampeter SA48 8LT


locally grown apple display by Lampeter Permaculture Group volunteers

We also run a separate apple day for members to press their own apples at our Group Apple Day.

Previous Events for Information Only:

Mae Transition Llambed, TLDT & Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed yn cyflwyno / present:

Free Film Night / Noson ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

In Our Hands: Seeding Change

Sat 19 January / Sadwrn 19 Ionawr 2019

Neuadd Victoria Hall, Lampeter / Llambed

Showing again by popular demand / Er mwyn ymateb i’r gofynion


Doors open / Drysau’n agor: 6.30 pm. Film / Ffilm: 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome / Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Refreshments, informal discussion / Lluniaeth, trafodaeth anffurfiol.

With subtitles / gydag isdeitlau

More info / mwy o wybodaeth:


The inspiring story behind the blood, sweat and tears of the farmers who are outgrowing the industrial food system in the wake of Brexit.

Y stori calonogol y tu ôl i waed, chwys a dagrau’r ffermwyr sy’n datblygu y tu hwnt i’r system fwyd diwydiannol yn sgîl Brexit.

Ffilm gan / Made by Black Bark Films & Landworkers’ Alliance.


Plus a Huw’s Nursery film, Charles Dowding’s Incredibly Productive No Dig Market Garden, and Q&A with Huw himself!

Ynghyd â ffilm Huw’s Nursery, Charles Dowding’s Incredibly Productive No Dig Market Garden, a Ch&A gyda Huw yn bersonol!

Free Film Night

Sat 16 February 2019

Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter

Rebel for Life: Extinction Rebellion

Heading for extinction and what to do about it

We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. Climate chaos is happening now. The government has failed to protect us. Survival will take all our ingenuity and persistence.

Film presentation followed by Q&A with Extinction Rebellion speaker.

Doors open 6.30 pm. Film at 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome. Refreshments available.

More info: 


Mae Transition Llambed yn cyflwyno:

Noswaith ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

Sadwrn 16 Chwefror 2019

Neuadd Victoria Hall, Heol y Bryn, Llambed

Rebel for Life: Extinction Rebellion

Ar y ffordd i’n difodiant  – a beth allwn ni ei wneud amdano.

Rydym yn wynebu argyfwng byd-eang heb ei debyg. Mae anhrefn trychinebus i’w weld yn yr hinsawdd nawr. Mae’r llywodraeth yn methu ein diogelu. Er mwyn goroesi, bydd arnom angen ein holl ddyfeisgarwch a dyfalbarhad.

Wedi’r ffilm bydd Ch&A gyda siaradwr o Extinction Rebellion.

 Drysau’n agor am 6.30 yp. Ffilm am 7 yp.

Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Darperir lluniaeth ysgafn, trafodaeth anffurfiol.

Mwy o wybodaeth:

Saturday 23 February 2019 10am-1pm   FREE ENTRY

Community Seed Swap (Victoria Hall, Lampeter, SA48 7EE)

Why not try growing some new vegetable and fruit varieties this year by joining us at  Lampeter Permaculture Group’s Annual Seed Swap –  for everyone interested in swapping.  Displays, refreshments, advice and information are on hand as well as seeds and plants. Please bring any seeds that you have to swap so long as they are not too old and clearly labelled in paper envelopes/packets.

2018 is the 13th Anniversary of Lampeter Permaculture Group’s Seed Swap and now the event is really starting to gain some momentum. With each year there are increasing numbers of keen seed swappers, old timers who have always saved their own seeds, people exchanging gardening and growing knowledge and new growers taking their first tentative steps in gardening.

It is so important that gardeners get involved in saving at least some of their own seed because it’s FREE, promotes biodiversity and local strains of seed, conserves older varieties, builds links between local growers in the area, and improves local food security. Most seeds on offer are not F1 hybrids, so are ideal for saving your own seed from.

You can also bring surplus plants and seedlings – also well labelled please, surplus garden equipment (not too large!), pots and gardening literature. If you don’t have anything to swap just give a donation. Donations from previous Seed Swaps have funded the planting of many fruit and nut trees in Lampeter and surrounding communities. If you are interested in local food, vegetable growing or gardening – then this is the event for you!

Selling your home saved seed is illegal, but swapping these seeds isn’t – so don’t delay – save away!

Check out our event on the video below:

If you manage to grow a surplus – bring your plants to our Community Plant Swap on 11 May 2019.

Saturday 11 May 2019   10am-1pm    FREE ENTRY

Community Plant Swap (Victoria Hall, Lampeter, SA48 7EE)

Do you find you end up with extra tomatoes or other plants you have grown from seed, maybe grown from the seeds exchanged at the Seed Swap in February? Don’t compost them! Bring them to our annual Plant Swap and exchange them for something you haven’t grown. Even if you haven’t grown anything to swap you can get some plants or seedlings by making a donation. Or you can donate and exchange small items of garden equipment.

We want to encourage local food growing and help people get to know other growers and get advice.

The ‘Swap’ is open to all and takes place during the People’s Market, a local food and craft market with a café and live music – a great way to spend a Saturday morning in Lampeter. Hope to see you there!

Apple Day

Saturday 6 October 2018  


Watson and Pratts, Lampeter


Bring your apples to be pressed and come to be im-pressed by our display of locally grown apples by group members from their own orchards within a twenty mile radius of Lampeter. We usually display over 50 varieties and our knowledgeable ‘appleheads’ will be available to try to answer queries on growing fruit trees locally.

We will help you turn your apples into juice. Please bring your own containers and be ready to help with some chopping and scratting (grinding up the apples ready for pressing). As a rough guide 25-30lb/11-14kg of recently picked apples will give around 4-5 pints of juice. When it’s busy we can’t guarantee that the juice you get back will all be from your own apples, but it all tastes pretty darn good!

Apple Day at Watson & Pratts

Apple Day at Watson & Pratts – public pressing run by Lampeter Permaculture Group volunteers

The public pressing and apple display is run by volunteers from the Lampeter Permaculture Group and we always welcome donations at the event to help us fund the apple pressing equipment and other permaculture-related group initiatives.

Watson and Pratts: In addition to our pressing and apple display our hosts for the event, Watson and Pratts, have organised apple-themed stalls.

Apple Day Location: Watson and Pratts, Unit 24 Lampeter Industrial Estate Tregaron Road, Lampeter SA48 8LT


locally grown apple display by Lampeter Permaculture Group volunteers

We also run a separate apple day for members to press their own apples at our Group Apple Day.

Rhannu’r Cynhaeaf 2018 Harvest Share

Nos Wener 21 Medi/Friday 21 September

6-10 pm 

Neuadd Victoria Hall

A free bring and share supper, open to all. If you have grown a surplus of produce, cook it up, bring it along, and enjoy it with your neighbours. Anyone without a surplus is invited to come and join in. Donations welcome.

Organised by Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed/Lampeter Permaculture Group & Transition Llambed

Free Film Night / Noswaith ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

Living the Change

Sat 1 September 7pm

Victoria Hall

Happen Films (New Zealand) bring us inspiring stories for a sustainable future. From forest gardens & community-supported agriculture to time-banking, we can create change in our own communities.

Doors open / Drysau’n agor am 6.30 pm. Film at / Ffilm am 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome. Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

With subtitles (film in English with English subtitles) / Gydag isdeitlau (ffilm yn Saesneg gyda isdeitlau Saesneg).

Followed by refreshments with the opportunity to stay for an informal discussion about the film. / Bydd lluniaeth ar gael ar ôl y ffilm, gyda’r cyfle  i aros i gael trafodaeth anffurfiol am y ffilm.

Hosted by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group.


The Big Plant Out – Incredible Edible Lampeter/ Bwyd Bendigedig Llambed

Bank holiday Monday, 28th May 2018
10.00 am to 1.00 pm
At the front of the Co-op in Lampeter 
Incredible Edible Lampeter/ Bwyd Bendigedig Llambed (BBL), will be having it’s big plant out. The Co-op has handed over one of their big planters outside the supermarket on the Bridge road side to BBL to have as its first food-for-free bed.
BBL has already had 2 days on the site: the first to remove all the old plants followed by a publicity day on 10th May at the Co-op to inform people about BBL. At the same time, BBL members filled in the bed with a about half a ton of compost.
So, its all ready for the big planting session. LPG members will be bringing fruit and veg plants to fill the bed.

Mae Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust, & Lampeter Permaculture Group / Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed yn cyflwyno / present:

Free Film Night / Noswaith ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

Seed: The Untold Story

Sat 2 June / Sadwrn 2 Mehefin 2018

Neuadd Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter / Llambed

Seeds. Tiny, miraculous time capsules, they contain the sustenance, memories, songs and medicines of entire cultures. But now giant biotech companies control most of them. And passionate seed keepers are fighting back, defending our most treasured resources.

Hadau. Capsiwlau amser bendigedig ydyn nhw,  sy’n cynnwys cynhaliaeth, atgofion, caneuon a meddyginiaethau diwylliannau cyfan. Ond nawr mae cwmnïau biotechnoleg yn rheoli’r rhan fwyaf ohonynt.  Ac mae ceidwaid hadau angerddol yn brwydro yn erbyn hyn gan amddiffyn ein hadnoddau mwyaf gwerthfawr.

With subtitles (film in English with English subtitles) / Gydag isdeitlau (ffilm yn Saesneg gyda isdeitlau Saesneg)

Doors open / Drysau’n agor am 6.30 pm. Film at / Ffilm am 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome. Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Followed by refreshments with the opportunity to stay for an informal discussion about the film. / Bydd lluniaeth ar gael ar ôl y ffilm, gyda’r cyfle  i aros i gael trafodaeth anffurfiol am y ffilm.

More info / mwy o wybodaeth:

Saturday 12 May 2018   10am-1pm    FREE ENTRY

Community Plant Swap (Victoria Hall, Lampeter, SA48 7EE)

Do you find you end up with extra tomatoes or other plants you have grown from seed, maybe grown from the seeds exchanged at the Seed Swap in February? Don’t compost them! Bring them to our annual Plant Swap and exchange them for something you haven’t grown. Even if you haven’t grown anything to swap you can get some plants or seedlings by making a donation. Or you can donate and exchange small items of garden equipment.

We want to encourage local food growing and help people get to know other growers and get advice.

The ‘Swap’ is open to all and takes place during the People’s Market, a local food and craft market with a café and live music – a great way to spend a Saturday morning in Lampeter. Hope to see you there!

Previous Film Nights – for information only but you can follow links:

Mae Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust, & Lampeter Permaculture Group / Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed yn cyflwyno / present:

Free Film Night / Noswaith ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

In Our Hands: Seeding Change

Feature-length documentary. The inspiring story behind the blood, sweat and tears of the farmers who are outgrowing the industrial food system in the wake of Brexit. Made by Black Bark Films in association with the Landworkers’ Alliance.

Ffilm ddogfen hyd llun mawr. Y stori calonogol y tu ôl i waed, chwys a dagrau’r ffermwyr sy’n datblygu y tu hwnt i’r system fwyd diwydiannol yn sgîl Brexit. Wedi’i wneud gan Black Bark Films mewn cydweithrediad â’r Cynghrair Tirwyr.

With subtitles (film in English with English subtitles) / Gydag isdeitlau (ffilm yn Saesneg gyda isdeitlau Saesneg)

Doors open / Drysau’n agor am 6.30 pm. Film at / Ffilm am 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome. Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Followed by refreshments with the opportunity to stay for an informal discussion about the film. / Bydd lluniaeth ar gael ar ôl y ffilm, gyda’r cyfle  i aros i gael trafodaeth anffurfiol am y ffilm.

More info / mwy o wybodaeth:

Film night: Incredibly Edible Cold Climate Permaculture

Five short, ideas-filmed films on how to do permaculture in Wales. Pum ffilm fer, llawn syniadau ar sut i baramaethu yng Nghymru.

Free entry. Donations welcome. Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Refreshments, informal discussion. Lluniaeth, trafodaeth anffurfiol.

Presented by / yn cyflwyno: Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust, & Lampeter Permaculture Group / Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed.

More info/mwy o wybodaeth:

Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust & Lampeter Permaculture Group present:

The award-winning documentary Demain (“Tomorrow/ Yfory”)

Demain is already a phenomenon in Europe, seen by over 1.5m people in France alone. It won Best Documentary at the Caeser Awards (the French Oscars), and has been shown in venues from high schools and village halls to the United Nations and the European Parliament.

Filmmakers Cyril Dion and Malanie Laurent raised a record 444,390 Euros by crowdfunding. Having read in the journal Nature that “humankind could disappear by 2100 if we do not drastically change our way of life”, they set off in search of communities’ own responses to climate change and resource shortages. In the ten countries they visited, they found pioneers who are reinventing agriculture, energy, economy, democracy and education. They began to see what tomorrow’s world could bring.

Demain is a positive, affirming and inspirational film, exploring creative solutions to the world’s multiple problems: everything from urban agriculture projects and community-owned renewables to local currencies – like Transition Town Totnes’ famous £21 note, created “because you can. Why not?”

Transition Network, which negotiated the rights to distribute the film in the UK, has invited community groups to arrange their own screenings. The UK is the first country to use such a model for distribution. The aim is to get this film screened in every community.

Now screening worldwide, Demain regularly receives standing ovations, and has sparked the formation of many new community-led projects. Demain is the perfect antidote to the current sense of global despondency!

Only a few days before the general election, in which the UK makes the latest in a series of momentous decisions about our future, a vision of a potential positive future could be just what we need.

All welcome, free entry. Doors open 6.30pm; film starts at 7pm. Donations welcome. There will be a break with refreshments (including home-made cakes!)

Demain is in English, and French with English subtitles.

To find out more about Demain, see the fil’s own website:

The film trailer is at

For more information on Transition Network’s unique method of distribution of this film:

Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust & Lampeter Permaculture Group present:

Films of Hope

Five short, inspirational documentary films of people living sustainably, now!

1) The Miracle Water Village by Black Ticket Films

Lying in one of the worst drought-prone regions of India, the village of Hiware Bazar battled many decades of sparse rain and failed crops. However, 20 years ago, this entire Maharashtrian village came together to script a silent revolution. This film tells the incredible story of a village that is literally an oasis in the middle of the desert, boasting of bumper harvests, dairy co-operatives, millionaire families and visionary farmers.

2) What If We Change: Hope in a Changing Climate by whatifwechange

A major project is restoring fertility and hope to China’s Loess Plateau – until recently one of the poorest regions of the country. Centuries of agriculture have removed the trees and leave land vulnerable to erosion from wind and rain. An area the size of Belgium, its once-fertile soils have been washed away, leaving a blighted land scarred with deep ravines – and farmers scarcely able to make a living. For 15 years John D. Liu has been following a remarkable project to replant trees and stabilize the soils of the Loess Plateau. The once-bare hillsides are now cloaked with green forest and productive fields. Hope in a Changing Climate follows John on a journey from China to Africa to find out how the lessons learnt about the Loess Plateau could help restore degraded lands around the world.

3) Urban Permaculture (Grow Food, Not Lawns!) by Francois Evangelista

4) The Food Forest by guy10family

The Guytons started planting their food forest in 1998 on two acres of bare land in Riverton, New Zealand. This style of gardening was new to Southland so their neighbours did not approve. Now it is an established food forest with hundreds of different plant species. Fruit and nut trees, berries and herbs and wild plants all blend together in a productive and sustainable way. This short video introduces concepts of permaculture.

5) Tinkers Bubble Low Impact Community: Living in the Future (Ecovillages) 3

Tinker’s Bubble, an eco community in Somerset, is a great example of a simple living community. In contrast to their wealthy neighbours with large houses, the community lives in small homes made with canvas or wood from the woodland. Formed in 1994 by a group of people with similar ideas of living off the land, the community fluctuates and there can be up to fifteen adults and children living under the trees on top of the hill.

Owned by a co-operative, the land consists 40 acres of woodland, pastures, and apple orchards. Low-impact living is their major idea, easily seen when visiting. They have strict principles of not using fossil fuels. They cook on a wood stove or over an open fire, use wind and solar energy for light, and have a huge steam-powered locomotive engine, which operates in a straw-bale barn (for noise insulation), where they mill trees from their land. For their farm work and any heavy moving, they have a Shire horse, named Samson, who when not working grazes in the apple orchards.

Entry is free – donations are welcome

A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity by Happen Films.

Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE

Nine people create a community in Gippsland, Australia, to explore a simpler way to live in response to global crises.
Presented by: Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust & Lampeter Permaculture Group

A New Story for Humanity: Change the Story, Change the World: a film from the Findhorn Foundation’s New Story Summit

Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE

– a multi-cultural, multi-generational enquiry into a new story for humanity. Change-makers and activists from 50+ countries will inspire us to co-create a new vision for our future.

When we look at the world, what do we see? What story are we telling ourselves? That story itself will shape the possibilities we see. So can we change the story – and change the future?

Refreshments available afterwards with the opportunity to stay for an informal discussion about the film.

Presented by Transition Llambed, the Transition Llambed Development Trust and Lampeter Permaculture Group

Find out more about this.

Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust and Lampeter Permaculture Group present:

The Economics of Happiness

A film by Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick and John Page.

A powerful message about globalisation: it is the small, local economies around the world that are preserving traditions, cultures, and communities, and ultimately safeguarding our happiness.

Refreshments available afterwards, with the opportunity to stay for an informal discussion about the film.

An ISEC production (International Society for Ecology and Culture).

More info about the film.

Mae Transition Llambed, Ymddiriedolaeth Datblygu Transition Llambed a Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed yn cyflwyno:

The Economics of Happiness

Ffilm gan Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick and John Page.

Neges drawiadol am ddatblygiad o’r economi a chymdeithas byd-eang. Yr economïau bach a lleol sy’n cadw traddodiadau, diwyllianau a chymundedau – ac yn y pen draw nhw a fydd yn diogelu ein hapusrwydd.

Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Bydd lluniaeth ar gael ar ôl y ffilm, gyda’r cyfle i aros i gael trafodaeth anffurfiol am y ffilm.

Cynhyrchwyd gan ISEC (International Society for Ecology and Culture).

Mwy o wybodaeth am y ffilm.

Free Film Night / Noswaith Ffilm, yn rhad ac am ddim

A River  A feature film by / ffilm hir gan Anthony Tombling Jr & André Pattenden

Narrated by / wedi ei hadrodd gan Michael Sheen

The beautiful river Afan has made an extraordinary recovery from industrial pollution, but now faces a new threat – fracking. A testimony told by the local community, the film plots a river’s journey from a precarious past to an uncertain future.

Mae afon hardd yr Afan wedi cael adferiad rhyfeddol o lygredd diwydiannol, ond erbyn hyn mae’n wynebu bygythiad newydd – ffracio. Tystiolaeth y gymuned leol yw sylfaen y ffilm hon, sy’n dilyn taith afon o gorffennol ansicr i ddyfodol ansicr.

With original music by / gyda cherddoriaeth wreiddiol gan Robert Del Naja & Euan Dickinson (Massive Attack)

Presented by / yn cyflwyno: Transition Llambed, Transition Llambed Development Trust, & Lampeter Permaculture Group / Grŵp Paramaethu Llambed

Doors open / Drysau’n agor am 6.30 pm. Film at / Ffilm am 7 pm.

Free entry. Donations welcome. Mae mynediad yn rhad ac am ddim. Croesewir cyfraniadau.

Refreshments, informal discussion. Lluniaeth, trafodaeth anffurfiol More info / mwy o wybodaeth: ; www.ariverfil